Hook & Chessington North By-election

Steph Archer has resigned as a councillor in Hook & Chessington North ward, having moved away with her family.
We thank Steph for serving the community with passion and dedication, and we wish her and the family well in their new home.
Her departure means there will be a Ward by-election on the same day as the General Election, 4th July 2024.
We are delighted that Lorraine Dunstone has been selected as the Lib Dem candidate.
Lorraine lives locally with her family and has a strong track record of serving our community.
As a councillor in the previously named Tolworth and Hook Rise Ward, Lorraine:
✅ organised commuity clean ups of flytipping and litter;
✅ secured extra parking for residents;
✅ took on TfL when they were ignoring local people;
✅ during the Covid pandemic, set up “street foodbanks” which were taken up borough wide.
She is now Chair of a Local Police Panel and helps young people as head chaperone of a local dance school.
In her professional life, Lorraine is a team leader and office manager for a business.
Lorraine said “I love this community - my home. As your councillor I will fight for a new direct regular bus service from Chessington to Epsom Hospital and investment in local GP surgeries (like Orchard Practice, where I was once the practice manager) and for more regular patrols by PCSOs. I’m also working to make the area safer - such as by getting a barrier to protect pedestrians on North Parade.”
“If you’d like to raise an issue or concern - or would like my help please do email me on lorrainedunstone1@gmail.com, and I will work hard to get it sorted.”
For a real local champion, vote for Lorraine on 4th July!